These Are Our



Design & Planting

Green Leaves Landscapes has strived hard to design and maintain it for several years. We and our team have maintained a special focus on planting in our Green leaves landscapes. We also offer various customized plants and deliver them easily to our clients as well. Planting fresh plants and supplying good quality one’s has given us more motivation to grow the landscaping in different ways. We have very good design and sketching of our plants in a detailed way. Both designing and planting the plants are two main ways of landscaping we have developed good feedback from our customers and clients for more designing ways which we consider them also. Designing small plants and herbs and various potted plants has become our way of cultivating them. We are the best garden designers in Hyderabad

Garden Care

We have a good and well-equipped garden and lawn care, also, we use machines and watering system for garden care, especially for live and organic plants. We provide service providing for our customers through the garden or lawn care. A Garden is a place that should be beautiful for every home. So we wish every house need to be decorated and maintained well with our services. It also includes not only watering the plants but also feeding the plants very often, trimming and chopping the waste trees, shrubs, etc. At Green Leaves we also have pesticide control systems and we do provide applying fertilizers for the plants to survive and be in good condition for a lifetime.


Garden Care


Irrigation & Drainage

The primary advantage of a green leaves landscape is to avoid unnecessary seeds and sampling of plants; it is done through an irrigation system. And drainage decreases the soil content and nutrients loss and also helps to control soil erosion; we provide good drainage facilities for potted plants services. Green leaves landscapes ensure a well-equipped irrigation system and drainage, sewage control should be maintained neatly. So we at our green leaves landscapes don’t just remain calm; we make sure that everything is in proper order and good care is taken.

Garden Website

A rooftop garden is generally a manufactured garden that has plants, artificial plants, and flowers according to our needs. Many people in urban cities wish to have a good roof garden type that is colorful and has Scenery to look at. Roof garden services like maintaining and watering the plants’ services can be done by our green leaves landscapes chipping away the waste and damaged plants and proper care can be taken by our team. Therefore, once you see our service-oriented things and you can decide how to customize and maintain the garden according to your choice. We always support our customers and give the best recommendations for the best and neat looking area for rooftops. Rooftops generally look very nice in every home and maintaining it also takes a wholesome amount of time and energy. Which we do with patience and maintain regularly.


Roof Garden


Landscape Gardening

Landscaping is generally a Dutch word that means a visual image of outdoor areas. Landscaping can be done to trees, plants, botanical gardens, lawns, pathways, fences, etc. Gardening and landscaping both involve different skills which are done by our team and management therefore, unlike landscaping, gardening involves designing, planning, and making it done also. Landscaping ideas also differ from a lawn to a commercial park or a roof-top garden etc. The place decided is not only for ourselves but also we have good time and maintenance areas to be looked at. Green Leaves Landscape also provides landscaping and gardening services for our beloved customers. Therefore, we have well-equipped knowledge on how to maintain and service the clients or customers. Landscaping gardening involves and includes both skills and time management. Green leaves landscapes provide such kind of valuable service to our people. For landscape gardening, we are the best garden designers in Hyderabad.

Landscape Design

Home gardening includes backyard, lawn, and potted plants, terrace gardens, flower beds. First, we must check up on the best place and area for a home garden; we should also check that much space is required at home, or either we can turn out our balcony or lawn into a home gardening system. For home gardening services green leaves provide the best and good gardening mechanisms; with us, you can have proper care and more greens around. And gardening is also one of the forms of exercise and gives good health and body repair. If everyone tries to cultivate their home gardens then we can reduce the cost-effective of buying vegetables at the market and we can have our tasteful veggies/ fruits from our place itself. A garden also increases the value of a good home, these days’ small children can also start cultivating small plants and it increases their way of dealing with plants and also it is one of the good habits of potting and watering the plants.
Food production on small residential besides human settlements is the older, ancient, and most live through a form of cultivation of plants. For past centuries, the home gardening system has come into existence and many of us do not have minimum knowledge of it. Home gardening is a historical and widespread practice all over the global world. In the literature, home gardens are classified as mixed gardens, kitchen, backyard gardens, farmyard gardens, and compound or homestead gardens.


Home Gardening


Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen Gardening is a place where small plants according to our needs are cultivated; a kitchen garden need not be right beside the kitchen door. We can design it as customizable and also starting a kitchen garden should follow basic steps such as the size of the garden, preparing the garden area, choosing our garden crops, starting them from basic seeds, garden maintenance and care, garden watering, fertilizers, and pest control should be taken care of. And also we should see that proper sunlight area is surrounded within the planted area and often we should provide seeds and food, nutrients supply for the plants. We are well aware of all these things and we make perfect gardening type according to you. Gardening and kitchen gardening involves little difficulty as the kitchen needs to be maintained well, free from garbage and dust particles. Plants should also be selected according to the climate basis. Try to include both flowers and vegetables in combination. We offer the best kitchen gardening services at our doorstep and according to your convenience.

kitchen garden
Vertical Landscaping Gardening Service

Vertical landscaping is a method for replacing ordinary horizontal plants; vertical landscaping can be done both indoors and outdoors. Vertical gardening makes watering plants easier; there is no proper limit for designing and style of vertical planters; the main advantages are they allow you to grow flowers, herbs, and veggies. The main things or products needed for vertical gardening are making our frame, fixing and maintaining PVC sheets to the wall. The first step to vertical gardening is planning the area and determining the site of the wall and also making sure it gets sufficient sun exposure. They also help for good coverage for ugly walls or exterior walls, etc., and finally plant pockets look stylish and attractive for gardening. They look beautiful indoors and outdoors also.


Vertical Landscaping Gardening Service

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We Use Plants to Bring Life